Elle Bosque stands for ‘the forest.’
The forest stands for singular vastness.
'Elle Bosque' is a solo project name that represents the music of Vanessa Micale, a multidisciplinary artist, writer and performer in Portland, Oregon. She is a bilingual mixed Uruguayan American who creates across monikers and mediums as a singer-songwriter, musician, writer and performer.
Over the years she self-recorded 8 albums and produced a handful of zines, none of which are available online.
She was formerly based out of Los Angeles where she performed & recorded experimental folk music as ‘ilo mar.’ Vanessa played venues including: Echo Curio, Pehrspace, The Echo, Spaceland, The Smell, L’Keg, and Pink Mailbox House (Goleta, CA). She has performed at festivals such as: Machine Project Glow Festival (2008), Sugar Hair Salon “100” show (2009), Hollow Earth Radio Station Carousel Festival (Seattle, WA; 2010).
She self-booked and promoted an East Coast DIY tour with Emily Lacy in 2009 and a West Coast DIY tour with Walker Mettling in 2005.